Aaron's Status
January 29, 2025
7:09 am
Happy hump day, it’s been a screwed up week so far, let’s debrief. No politics, I promise.
I climbed with the boys on Saturday and my lower back felt about 90 to 95% okay, but I had a suspicion that maybe it was a bit too much. It felt absolutely fine to do it at the time, but Sunday did not feel great, so I skipped our regular session.
Yesterday, I skipped again. It was up and down; I woke and it felt 70% and by the end of the day it felt more like 95%, but waking up this morning it seems back to 70% at best.
As I related to $WIFE
, it’s so frustrating to feel like what I’m doing isn’t
working, or that I can’t predict how I’ll feel later, or make plans, or count on
my own body to be able to do what I want it to do. This is the hardest part.
But, my motto for this year is “choose the hard thing; one step at a time.” Sure, I didn’t choose this, it chose me, but I’m trying to see it as an opportunity to come out the other side (whenever that may be) stronger, both mentally and physically.
On top of that I have a bad headache this morning for literally no reason.
I’ve been trying to 3d print these shelf brackets for weeks now, and no matter what I do, they keep warping up at the corners. I’ve tried so many things, so many temperatures, closing the enclosure (who uses an enclosure with PLA?!), and yesterday for the first time in my whole life, I tried a glue stick.
Nothing is working!! It doesn’t help that this part fills the build plate, so the bits that warp are at the very edges and there is nothing I can do to change the orientation. I’m running out of ideas.
It felt like I was getting closer, the warping was getting less severe as I adjusted the temperatures, but adding glue to that equation didn’t help at all. This is so confusing to me, having never had any problems with PLA warping this badly before.
I kind of don’t know what to do. I may just try printing on the other printer. Who knows, maybe printers don’t actually get consistently better and more capable over time. I think that would bum me out, but it would also be great to have parts I can use, finally, after many weeks.
Each one of these things takes 3-4 hours, and it doesn’t start warping until well past the halfway point, so it’s taking a lot of time to troubleshoot.
Admittedly, I’m doing a poor job tracking what I’ve changed each time. If I’m really committed to this, I should start recording it.
At least I have a clearer plan for what I need to build at work, and I can put a few hours into that this morning before my day devolves into meetings.
My daily LinkedIn shitposting continues and people seem to like what I have to say. I started dusting off my newsletter, sent a couple of issues, but I haven’t been terribly disciplined about transferring the posts from one place to the other, or consistent about writing newsletter-worthy pieces.
Maybe the answer is to change my definition of “newsletter-worthy.”
I’ll think about that.