Aaron's Status

December 23, 2024

6:10 am

It’s two days till Christmas, and all through the house, there’s so much to do and all I want is to sleep.


  • Yellow V5 banana, wild ending
  • Orange V4
  • Purple V3
  • Orange V3
  • Blue V2

Okay that’s an exaggeration. Yesterday was $kid’s climbing class so we usually all go and climb at the same time. Four of our friends showed up, so we had a proper crew. Two of them have been tied up with life for a while so it was really nice to see them and work on some stuff together.

I had a pretty strong session! We all warmed up on some low grades and we had fun figuring out a spicy orange V3, I flashed a couple V2 and V3 problems and then we got to work. I really intended to work on the “V5” comp problem and the V6 I projected before, but instead I stayed with everyone else working on problems on the “wave” section of the wall.

After seeing a couple of friends do a weird yellow V5, I flashed it, which is my first V5 flash! I also sent a fun orange V4 with a nice heel hook move in it, and totally would have flashed it if I’d seen the heel hold the first time. Not actually sure how I missed that.

I did go back and work on the orange V6 but by then I was just feeling too tapped out to stay on it. My climbing endurance is not super high. I was feeling a little almost lightheaded for a moment there, but not as bad as the previous time when I almost “bonked.” I probably should take care to rest longer between attempts, and perhaps to eat more.

We came home, ate lunch, showered, cleaned up the house, and then our friends came over to decorate gingerbread houses, a tradition that has been going on for four years now. I had an edible before anyone showed up and had a pretty nice time of it, even though we couldn’t let the kids go downstairs so as not to blow the surprise about the ninja stuff.

Today is my last day of work before the new year, and the fact that I agreed to work today is a little bit nuts, given that everyone else will be here, too, but this is startup life. I’m not sure what I can get done in one day but I guess we’ll find out.

Other than normal work stuff, there’s nothing else on my plate, which should be nice. I could use a relaxing day to recover from the climb yesterday. My back is down to like 80% and I need some heating pad and some stretching and more sleep.

Tomorrow is our third and final lead climbing class, and I know we’ll do fall practice, and I need my back to be in good shape for that. Here’s to hoping.