Aaron's Status

October 5, 2024

7:17 am

Haunted Happenings is happening; suffering the slings of some bad Shakespeare pun; continued camera confusion.

Haunted Happenings

Today is the day! It’s the first day of the MBTA’s increased train frequency to Salem to accommodate this craziness, so it feels like the right time to go check it out. The closer we get to Halloween, the harder it’s going to be to get there.

We’re doing the Salem Haunted Magic Show, the International Monster Museum, and perhaps if we’re feeling up for it, Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery. Definitely want to check out the marketplace and maybe we’ll be able to find food at the outdoor food court.

It’s an adventure. Nothing is guaranteed.


I bought the Peak Design Everyday Sling 6L and tried it on and my immediate reaction was “this is so big I might as well wear a backpack.” It’s smaller than a backpack, but it’s large enough that it kind of sits weird on my back and just feels somewhat awkward. This is probably mostly because I’m such a thin guy, but I couldn’t shake it.

So I bought the Peak Design Everyday Sling 3L and tried it on and at least this size feels like a sling. I mean, it’s small enough that you’re not like “I should have just brought my Think Tank Retrospective messenger bag instead.” I’m feeling like this will be the keeper.

The X-T5 with 35mm f/2 fits just fine, and the 23mm f/2 easily fits as well. I can toss my wallet and car key in there, probably hopefully my glasses or sunglasses, and that should about do it.

We’ll take it on its first run today through Salem and “Boston Lights: A Lantern Experience,” which everyone just calls “zoo lights” because I think that’s what the event was called in the past and it entirely makes sense. It is lights… At a zoo.

Autofocus stuff

The other photography thread still dangling is this thing that is happening with the X-T5 where it claims to have locked focus but the image is blurry. This has now happened a bunch of times, including with entire bracketed sets, and frankly it’s pretty worrying.

I updated the firmware, which was a few versions behind, and some autofocus stuff was implicated in the update descriptions, but then it happened one more time after that, which made me even more concerned.

I have adjusted my focus area to be larger and contain more points (nine) in the hope that this catches any situation where the contrast at the single point is simply misread. I don’t know if this is even a reasonable assumption about what could be happening. All I know is, focus lock should mean that focus is locked!

We’ll see how things go today. If I’m still having issues now, I may need to contact Fuji support, which I’m loathe to do.