Aaron's Status

September 1, 2024

3:32 pm

Just rounded out month three with ongoing lower back pain issues, and month one of daily physical therapy and twice weekly PT office visits. It’s been emotionally and psychologically challenging to make peace with everything that’s happening, but it will all pay back in the long run.

Sometimes it’s helpful to get some clarity from the future. The best way I’ve found to do this is to think about a time that I faced similar difficulties and what it was like to be in the middle of it, and then compare that to how I feel about looking back on those challenges.

Without fail, everything I’ve gone through, no matter how seemingly huge it was at the time, eventually (sometimes slowly) faded away into a blip of memory. I get strength from seeing how I came through those things and by applying that framing to what I’m going through now. A month, or two, or three seems pretty long, but when you look backwards, it’s all a blur.

There’s a lesson here about not letting something that feels like a substantial obstacle rob you of the presence to appreciate the things that aren’t obstacles, because eventually the Bad Things will fade away, so don’t let them steal all your attention and energy.