Aaron's Status
April 14, 2024
2:31 pm
Inspired by Derek Sivers’ “now page” which showed up in the great “Own Your Web” newsletter by Matthias Ott, I am back. It only took a year.
Since the last time I updated, well, it’s been a year so a lot has changed. I know that these are not “supposed to be” retrospectives, but you can’t tell me what to do.
I coached full-time for a year and I just wrapped up an ongoing partnership that lasted over a year. I never once thought that I’d end up working with one client continuously for over a year and it was a great experience.
I took a full-time job writing Go at a company that makes point-of-sale software for cannabis dispensaries. I could write many paragraphs about this, but I won’t. It’s great.
My wife and son and I have been rock climbing (in a gym) steadily for over a year now. It’s incredible how much progress we’ve all made.
We all go at least twice a week, though my wife usually goes a third time. I can pretty reliably send V3 boulders and the occasional V4, and 5.10 top-line routes and the occasional 5.11 or 5.12 (I have sent only a couple of 5.12s ever).
I’m still using Emacs to write prose (like this).
Photography is going to be a stronger focus for me this year. When it’s not stupid cold out.
Further bulletins as events warrant.