Aaron's Status

December 30, 2022

11:58 am

Haven’t been updating my status here for a few weeks and it felt like time to reflect for a few minutes and post something.

I suppose mainly having a “proper vacation” set aside for the holidays was one reason for distraction from this page; “senioritis” sets in pretty hard for me mid-December and I get into a totally lethargic mindset. I think I needed it, though.

Vacation has been a total shit-show, and that’s putting it mildly.

First the kid got the flu, which meant he couldn’t go to school for most of the last week, during which the wife had taken off so she could have time for herself.

Then we heard my parents got covid, which threw off our plans to see them on Christmas day. Christmas itself was weird, being just us at home, and even my sister backed out of coming over.

That turned out to be for the best, as I tested positive for covid on the day after Christmas, and I’ve spent the majority of this entire week in our bedroom watching TV and sleeping.

Tomorrow is the last day of 2022, and the last two weeks has been an absolute disaster, so at least it feels like 2023 can only go up from here.

As I’m writing this I heard my parents both tested negative, so they’re out of the woods. I still have a faint line on my test today, but I can’t taste anything, which really puts a damper on a guy’s vacation.

All we can do is look forward to another long and restful night’s sleep and hopefully an even better test result tomorrow.