Aaron's Status

November 30, 2022

7:21 pm

I ran the gauntlet today.

I began the day with a cold walk to the bus stop with the kiddo, then a leisurely stroll around the town center. Cold, but good to get the body moving and appreciate the warm indoors all the more.

I took some time to finish a pending repair project in the house, and then had a productive client session, followed by a coaching practice trade. These back-to-back sessions are hard enough, but that led straight into a review meeting for $PROJECT_PENGUIN.

Finally I had a break and ate some lunch, took a step back from the screen, regrouped mentally and emotionally, and got ready to go back into more meetings!

The founder for $PROJECT_PENGUIN also had a back-to-back meeting day, so we agreed to cut it short and allow ourselves another break. Finally, I had a coaching session with a new prospect, which went pretty well.

This evening, I received the new glasses I ordered from Warby Parker. I’ve been wearing Warby Parker glasses for a few years now, but the ones I had been wearing were so scratched up it was starting to really bother me.

These new ones have a slightly adjusted prescription so I’m in that phase of feeling like everything is just a little bit “off.” Hopefully I’ll adjust quickly.


The revelation of the day was developing the first couple steps of a new concrete plan to create clients, for which I can thank my coaching practice partner who helped me come to this simple but helpful conclusion.

I have a thankfully quiet day tomorrow so I’m going to dig into that and see where it takes me. I’ll be sure to report back.