Aaron's Status

November 17, 2022

7:04 pm

I had a client session this morning, which turned into more of a working session in a shared document, and I struggled a little to balance a coaching approach with just being my usual opinionated but helpful self. Value was delivered, a goal was met, and everyone left happy, so this is good.

I did some more work on $PROJECT_PENGUIN, which should move into a development phase shortly. This project has overlap with some other initiatives that could put me in touch with some high-profile clients (or potential clients) and I’m excited about what that could mean for me.

I also wrapped up the first draft of the guest post I’ve been working on for a friend’s tech blog. He had a post get to the front page of Hacker News so he has quite a few subscribers and I’m excited to get exposure there. The piece is probably about 60% done but I bet if I give it another eyeball tomorrow I can shape it up.

Finally, I started editing the podcast we recorded yesterday. I’m still generally frustrated with managing levels, but it’s an amateur podcast so I’m trying not to get too obsessed about it. Probably need another hour to get that editing done.

We’ll be off to visit friends and family starting tomorrow and through the weekend, so don’t expect updates until Monday.