Aaron's Status

November 16, 2022

6:30 pm

It was a good day! I had three great interactions:

  1. First “real” session with my newest client, which was a bit different since it was our first, but a goal was achieved and homework was assigned. I felt very good after this one.

  2. Productive sync/planning meeting with the consultancy that we’ve engaged on what we’ll call $PROJECT_PENGUIN (because I can’t tell the whole internet everything I’m up to). I added real value, mostly in clarifying and simplifying communication, which I’m very good at.

  3. Recorded the 7th episode of Bit Depth, which should drop this Sunday, so keep an eye out for that.

I’m having an existential marketing crisis, which has thrown all progress on my previously defined tasks straight out the window. Instead, I did a partial pass over my backlog of newsletter topics and trashed the ones that wouldn’t be valuable to senior engineering leaders. I also reframed a couple that almost fit to make them more relevant.

I will need to find new ways to reach the kinds of people I want to be coaching, because the newsletter and LinkedIn referrals isn’t going to do it. This will be the work of the next couple of weeks. I should end November with at least 2-3 concepts that I can try out.

At the very least, though, I can rest assured that I have three clients who are singing my praises, and that means a lot to me.

In fact… Does anything else matter?