Aaron's Status
November 12, 2022
5:41 pm
“Solo dadding” day 1 of 5. Watched approximately too much YouTube, went to Monster Mini-Golf, hit the biggest local playground, and we’ve got Nacho Libre queued up for later. It’s still early, but I’m going to call it a success.
I also learned about https://yunohost.org (“Y U NO HOST??”), which is tempting even though I have no need to run any of these services, nor do I actually want to.
I’ve been spending a lot of time on Mastodon. Specifically, on https://indieweb.social, my “home instance.” There is so much chatter about the apparently crumbling bird site and the ins and outs of federation. Today I took the plunge and joined the Patreon because the admin has had to scale up our instance a couple times already.
I’m also curious about https://gotosocial.org/, a non-Mastodon ActivityPub social network server written in Golang. It’s alpha and likely buggy and probably incompatible with certain other services, but it looks simple, which could be a nice alternative to running a whole Ruby monolith and database server and so forth.