Aaron's Status

November 10, 2022

6:49 pm

No houses burned down in my neighborhood today, so I’m calling it a win.

Today was spent mostly on wrapping up this week’s newsletter edition or post or article or whatever we are calling these things. It is about meetings, which is everyone’s topmost favorite topic. That will go out to everyone (maybe you?) tomorrow morning.

I had a successful session with my long-term client in the morning, which got the day off to a nice start, though I did make a couple of (minor) mistakes that I internally groaned at. The great thing about coaching is that I’m the only one who notices my mistakes.

In the afternoon, I met with a new prospect. I spent a lot more time trying to expand to the biggest or most ambitious idea of the future and I would say I was partially successful. In the end, we did about 15 minutes of “laser” coaching and solved a problem that was weighing on them, so that was great.

Hopefully that materializes into a partnership, but only time will tell. Ball’s in their court.

One thing that happened that I wasn’t expecting was that the prospect asked me what I think a great manager is. I saw the open door and I walked through it.

I told them that a great manager is curious, empathetic, thoughtful, and isn’t an OKR-chasing, ladder-climbing monster (I used different words). Then I catapulted straight into my new mission: transforming tech leadership by amplifying the impact of great managers.

I feel like it really gave me something to center on. I’m feeling better about it every time I say it.

I might still work on the words a little.

Finally, I ended the day with a chat with my “accountabilibuddy” wherein she taught me how to share my audio in a Zoom call, and I taught her how to edit the live envelope in Audacity. Win-win.