Aaron's Status

November 9, 2022

4:10 pm

I had my last coaching session (for now) with a great client, which is always a bittersweet thing. I’m glad to be of service, and that all the major issues are resolved, but it’s also a little sad to part ways.

I also caught up with my former coach, who has remained a friend and coaching colleague. Whenever we chat it gets my idea juices flowing, and today was no different. Right at the end he gave me one swell idea, which I am going to do, but I won’t make it public yet.

Then I went out for a long walk, to get my blood juices flowing (which is something I heard you’re supposed to do), and just as I spotted some suspicious smoke emerging from the roof of a house down the street from mine, the entire fire department rolled up! Turned out to be a legit house fire that raged for several hours. No injuries, though, as far as we know, if there can be such a thing as a silver lining to a house fire.

Finally, I completed my newsletter article for the week, which, as per usual, got longer than I really intended for it to be.

I offered coaching to two people on LinkedIn, and made a post offering coaching to anyone affected by the insane amount of layoffs that have happened in the last couple of weeks, culminating in Meta laying off thousands today.

I’m wordsmithing a new mission statement that really excites me. More than any other idea I’ve played with so far. It took me until this week, five months since I began this journey, to think about the mission from the correct angle: as the way I want the world to change. More to come on that.

This mission will fuel the next stage of my practice. It is the mission that drives everything I want to create, and lends credibility to the compromises or sacrifices I am willing to make. I think it could change everything.

And yeah, it’ll be useful for marketing, too.